Yamaha DX100 Synthesizer

It reads: It has two wheels, two sources of power and can go from 0 to 192 in just one shift. But instead of riding it, you strap it over your shoulder. Because this machine is so powerful, it can take you places just standing still. The DX100 synthesizer. Anything’s possible. Yamaha This advertisement happened … Read more

A Funny Ad For Microsoft Office 2010

It has been a LONG time since I’ve been able to say that I’ve enjoyed a Microsoft advertisement for anything other than train wreck gawking. This ad for Microsoft Office 2010, however, is enjoyable! I’m sure that no one is mourning the loss of Clippy, but I’m most excited about the return of Visio. I … Read more

The Kelty Pop Duo: A Picnic Basket for the Next Generation

When I was a kid, I watched a cartoon called Yogi Bear. Yogi and BooBoo spent every episode obsessing about stealing picnic baskets. Picnic baskets like the ones that Yogi stole are available even to this day, but as a child of the Seventies, I had never seen a picnic basket in real life. I always thought … Read more

Is Your Child Sexting?

I saw this month’s Reader’s Digest and my blood boiled to the surface. The headline screamed in big red letters: Is Your Child Sexting? Worse still, the headline was photoshopped onto an iPhone, as if it were the iPhone’s fault. I’m pretty sick of the fear mongering that EVERY avenue of Old Media is using … Read more

Cyber Acoustics iPod Dock

For the longest time, I used the Xtreme Mac Microblast next to my bed with my first generation iPod Nano. There was plenty of room on the 1GB drive to load up a few relaxing songs to lull me to sleep. Two iPods and an iPhone later, however, it was showing its age. The speakers buzzed and … Read more