iPhone = The New Newton

We were at CES when Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. Somehow, Steve Jobs stole the show from 568 miles away. I have been ruminating about the iPhone for a LONG time. In fact, I’ve been waiting for it ever since Steve Jobs closed down the Newton division at Apple so long ago. Here’s a wrap-up of what I said and how it actually turned out:

Well, the pictures were bogus, but the basic advertising idea is the same, Many Abilities. No Buttons’ isn’t quite right, though. The iPhone has ONE button, so in the end, this was just a rumor or a red herring placed by Steve Jobs to test the marketing company’s security.

The rumor mills were all-abuzz about an ultra-portable, but Steve Jobs just blew them away with the iPhone.

This is yet another mockup that never came to pass. Sure, the iPhone is a wide-screen iPod, but it looks nothing like this.

In the end, all the rumor-mongering is just excited fan-boys. I find it interesting that Steve Jobs was able to bring in the iPhone with no leaks. He said himself in the keynote address, We wanted to announce it ourselves instead of having the FCC announce it for us.’

This is the first product from Apple that literally blows the Newton out of the water. Newton was so ahead of its time. Watch these commercials from Apple of what the Newton was to know why I have missed it so:

This is the Apple Newton Getting Started Video that describes all the functions of the Newton and how it works:

When I was at Comdex so many years ago, I remember sitting in front of a huge screen listening to Douglas Adams talk about how cool the Newton was going to be. I would have to wait a year to see one in person. The only Newton they had was under glass at Comdex, much like the iPhone was at MacWorld. It’s the first thing I’ve seen that could woo me away from the Palm OS platform. I’m waiting for June like everyone else¦

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